Compliments and Complaints
If you would like to send a compliment to us for an officer or other employee of the Delta Police Department or any member of the Village of Delta, send us an email at police@villageofdelta.org. You can also send us a private message on our Facebook page: Delta Police
Department/Officer Complaint Process
If you have a complaint about the Delta Police Department or one of its officers, rest assured it will be thoroughly investigated. Depending on the type and severity of the allegation, the investigation may either be an inquiry or a formal investigation of misconduct. If the infraction is minor, a Sergeant may handle it through counseling or training. If you prefer to resolve your complaint informally, a supervisor may attempt to do so with the Chief of Police’s approval.
Allegations of misconduct may involve criminal activity or serious violations of department policy and regulations. These allegations will be documented and handled through a formal process. If found to be true, they may result in disciplinary action against the employee, including suspension, demotion, or termination.
Any supervisor of the Delta Police Department can receive the initial information for a complaint. It is preferable that the complainant makes the complaint in person to ensure that they and the witnesses can provide a written statement describing all the details in their own words. Additionally, complainants and witnesses will be asked to provide their contact information in case further details or questions arise and to allow the complainant to be informed of the progress of the investigation.
If a complainant alleges acts that could cause an officer to be disciplined to the extent of being suspended, demoted, or terminated, the complainant may also be asked to testify at the Administrative Hearing to determine the facts of the complaint.
Generally, Supervisors have a maximum of 90 days to conclude an investigation, unless that time is extended by the Chief of Police because of extenuating circumstances. If necessary, a complainant could be contacted sometime during the investigation to be given an update on its progress. The Officer or employee(s) concerned will be informed of the substance of the complaint unless doing so would prejudice the investigation.
Upon completion of the investigation and determination of the appropriate action, the complainant will be notified of the results of the investigation. The Chief of Police will issue a finding based on the facts proved during the investigation. These findings include:
The alleged act occurred, but the action was lawful and proper.
Misconduct Not Based on Complaint
The investigation reveals sufficient evidence to indicate other infractions not based on the original complaint.
Not Sustained
There is insufficient evidence either to prove or disprove the allegation.
Policy Failure
The Officer’s actions were in accordance with policy, but there is some flaw in the policy that permitted the actions.
The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence, and the action violates either criminal law or the Department’s Rules and Regulations or other written directives. If the incident has two (2) or more allegations and at least one (1) of the allegations is sustained, it could be classified as “Partially Sustained”.
The allegation was demonstrably false, or there is no credible evidence to support the complaint.
The complainant withdraws the complaint before the completion of the investigation and no evidence of wrongdoing has been uncovered, up to that point.
The Chief of Police will, after reviewing the investigation and the Supervisor’s recommendations, make the final determination and then direct the action to be taken. At this point, the complainant will be notified of the outcome of the complaint.
The Department’s Policies and Procedures concerning the Department/Officer Complaint Process are available to the public, upon request, by asking for a copy of Chapter 1015 Personnel Complaints of the Department’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Any questions, concerns, or clarifications regarding the citizen complaint procedures of the Delta Police Department may be directed to Police Chief Robert Austin at 419-822-3232.
File a Department/Officer Complaint
You may file your Department/Officer Complaint by filling out one of the following forms or by contacting any Supervisor of the Delta Police Department.
WARNING: Making a false allegation of Peace Officer misconduct is punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1000 fine under Section 2921.15 of the Ohio Revised Code and Section 525.16 of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Delta.